Member-only story
I’m Tired of Being Just A White Girl
Really. I’m sick and tired of it.

When I fill out applications, online forms, surveys, etc., I cringe when I’m asked for my race. #1 — I’m an American. #2 — I’m Croatian, Hungarian, British, and Scotch. Why does my skin color matter? If I could pick my skin color, I’d choose gradient blue/purple.
I’m proud of my heritage! I’m sad when I hear that people don’t know the joy of cooking and eating Stuffed Cabbage, Pirogies, Hungarian Goulash, Strudel (rétes), Bejgli, Chimney cake (kürtőskalács), and my favorite Tepertős-szilvás papucs. These are my favorite Eastern European dishes.
Now for my British and Scotch heritage. Unfortunately, this is the bland side of my existance. Pork pies (tasty with ketchup on top), Jellied eels (who catches these things?), Black pudding (seriously — pig blood??), Mushy peas (maybe good with ketchup), and let’s not forget Haggis (contains sheep’s heart, liver and lungs, tons of seasoning and then it is packed into the sheep’s stomach and boiled — ketchup can’t even save it).
So, when someone asks me what I am, since I’m in the United States — hopefully “American” is understood. I say I’m Croatian and Hungarian. Why? Because they have kickass food that’s to die for. The British Isles don’t stand a chance unless they step up their kitchen game.