Member-only story
If You Don’t Want to Hear the Answer, Don’t Ask the Question
“What else can I do for you?” is a loaded Customer Support question.

There’s a special place in Heaven for you Customer Support people who go out of your way to solve my problem and make me happy. I can usually tell what kind of service you’re going to give just by the tone of your voice. I get that sometimes you’re having a bad day. It happens. But, you’re a superstar when you leave that bad day behind, put on your happy face, and fix me!
My problem is what to say at the end of the call.
“Did I solve your problem to your satisfaction?”
“Yes, you did!”
“Is there anything else I can do for you today?”
I have a list of extra things they could do for me.
“I’d like a roll of quarters.”
“How about a stack of twenties?”
“Are you good at painting walls?
“Can you call my boss and tell him I quit?”
“Can you give me an alibi for last Saturday evening, say…around 1:00 am?”
We have a good laugh, say goodbye, and end the call. But dammit, I really need that alibi!