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What I Learned From The People’s Court and Judge Judy
I should have a law degree after watching reality court TV shows for almost 40 years
Reality court TV shows have always fascinated me. I watch them because it’s amazing how people let their private lives become public information on national television. Most of what’s being said isn’t flattering. That doesn’t stop them from flapping their lips.
The best lawsuit on The People’s Court was the one where a lesbian couple wanted to have a baby. They asked a friend of theirs if he would donate his sperm for them. But not at the local sperm bank. He did it at home and gave his specimens to the women. The pregnancy didn’t happen, so they told him he had to keep doing it until there was a bun in the oven. The man agreed, but finally had to stop because he was exhausted. THE WOMEN SUED HIM for not providing semen anymore because, according to them, he promised to keep it coming until a pregnancy happened. According to them, he broke the contract. Needless to say, the women lost their lawsuit and their friend could get his carpal tunnel taken care of. I’m kidding about the carpal tunnel. Maybe.
What did I learn? A contract between parties is an offer, acceptance, and consideration. The other two parts are competency and legal intent. I think this case was lost on competency because it was a crazy idea for both parties.
Other things I’ve learned are when the judge tells you to stop talking, stop…